Adam Green
Twitter API Consultant

Upgrade Phirehose now for continued streaming API access

by Adam Green on December 29, 2013

in Announcements,Phirehose,Streaming API

Twitter is upgrading the streaming API on January, 6th to require http 1.1 connections. This will break the Phirehose library that manages the API connection in my 140dev streaming API framework. If you’re running this framework code, it’s essential that you replace your copy of Phirehose in the next week or tweet collection will stop.

Luckily it’s a really easy upgrade:
1. Download the new Phirehose files. You can get them from the Github repository, or download them from my site.
2. Replace your copy of Phirehose.php and OauthPhirehose.php with the new versions. You’ll find the existing files in /140dev/libraries/phirehose.
3. Kill the running copy of get_tweets.php.
4. Restart get_tweets.php in the background with: nohup php get_tweets.php > /dev/null &

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Karthik February 6, 2014 at 10:13 am

That saved me!!. Thanks Adam. Phirehose rocks!!


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