Adam Green
Twitter API Consultant

Rate Limits

Creative PHP and MySQL programming can solve the rate limit problem

Rate limits don’t have to keep you from building effective and powerful Twitter API applications. Learn how to get more done with fewer API calls.

Rate limits are a constant concern when doing engagement programming with the REST API. I’ve settled on an incremental approach. Instead of building a rate accounting infrastructure that measures the remaining requests for each API call, I find it easier to write scripts that break high-usage tasks into manageable chunks that won’t exceed the limits. […]


Why are Twitter API limits kept a secret?

by Adam Green on November 23, 2013

in Rate Limits

Twitter has always been vague when it comes to limits in the API. The search API is a good example. Until version 1.1 the search API had rate limits, but they were never revealed in the docs or by dev support staff. The most we were able to extract were statements about there being enough […]


A good Twitter consultant should start any discussion with a potential client by reviewing the Twitter API rate limits on the features they want. This is really a case of form follows function. Twitter has defined what developers should be doing through their wide range of rate limits, and you better pay attention to them […]

I’m collecting all the tweets for possible 2012 candidates with the Streaming API, and I wanted to make sure I was getting every one of their tweets. I built a backfilling script to go through every tweet in each of these accounts, and add any that weren’t already in the database. This uses the /statuses/user_timeline […]

Since the announcement of the Twitter-Gnip partnership, there have been lots of news stories and blog posts stating that this is the end of the independent developer, because there is no more free Twitter data. This is completely wrong. You can get all the Twitter data you need, as long as you don’t want *all* […]

@raffi has a detailed post on the problems with the error codes returned by the Twitter API to report rate limit errors and possible changes to them. This is interesting for a number of reasons: If his post is taken at face value, it means that he has a lot of latitude to make some […]