Adam Green
Twitter API Consultant

User Ranking

Identify the most influential Twitter users

Ranking Twitter users is the key to effective Twitter marketing and PR. Learn the secrets for user ranking with PHP and MySQL.

Part of the sales process for Twitter consulting is convincing a new client that Twitter is more than just another way to broadcast their message. You have to show them that what appears to be a random stream of tweets is really a collection of highly qualified sales prospects. By aggregating Twitter users as well […]

I went to the OpenCoffee meetup in Cambridge the other day. They all recognized the importance of Twitter, but don’t understand how to make money from it. We are exactly where we were in 1996 with the World Wide Web when I helped start Great point in the cycle. So here is my quick […]

There is an interesting thread on the Twitter development list about the need for a “good citizen” rank. This problem is approached in a literal engineering way, which says there are good and bad users. There are plenty of Twitter behaviors that could be seen as “bad,” but the beauty of Twitter is that it […]