I’ve been cleaning up the code the last few days. I finally got around to switching to tweet entities. They’ve been around for a while, but every time people complained about a problem Twitter HQ said that developers should code for their occasional disappearance. I don’t have time to code for a major data component […]
Streaming API
Source code and tips for streaming API programming
The Twitter streaming API will deliver tweets for any keywords in real-time. Learn how to cache the results in a database and display them online.
I just finished a tutorial on the two methods of searching for tweets. Whenever this subject comes up on the Twitter developers mailing list, the usual response is that the streaming API is best, but that depends on your goals and programming ability. If you want to search for tweets in the past, or if […]
Along with providing the source code for the Twitter engineering tweet database, I also want to use it as a model for explaining the proper database and code architecture for aggregating tweets. I’ve got my first tutorial up now on the benefits of decoupling your website Twitter app from the Twitter API.