Twitter lists don’t get the respect they deserve, but here is a way to use a well curated list as the source of great leads. You could just use the members of a list as leads themselves, but that will only give you a few hundred accounts. If you use the following procedure, you can […]
My last post on lead generation described the best techniques for identifying popular tags for any subject. You can use this approach to select accounts to follow, but that is just half of the solution. You also want these accounts to follow you back. When you follow someone, the most likely thing that person will […]
Searching for hashtags is a common method of finding new leads on Twitter, but tags in tweets can be misleading. Sarcasm and irony are so often used in tweets that finding a tag doesn’t tell you if that user is for or against the tag’s meaning. In fact, tags are often used in tweets to […]
Getting thousands of potential leads for any topic is no problem with the Twitter API. Identifying the best leads is the real challenge. There are two dates that can be effective in this task: the date when the Twitter account was created, and the date of the last tweet sent by the account. I like […]
My last post on lead generation introduced the idea of a follow signature. This is a technique that allows you to rank a user’s interest in a subject by counting the number of experts they follow. This method is especially accurate when dealing with a set of users who hold opposing views. For example, how […]
As I said in the previous post on lead generation, it’s easy to find thousands of leads for any subject on Twitter. Assuring the quality of these accounts, however, is a time consuming task. What is also needed is an automated test that will filter out the highest quality leads. An effective signature is a […]
When compiling a list of prospective Twitter leads for any subject area, an obvious approach is to find accounts that tweet about that subject. This can be done with the streaming API or REST API. This still leaves a lot of curating work to select the highest quality accounts from this group. A valuable shortcut […]
A lot of my engagement programming for clients has involved finding good leads for them to build relationships with and gain as followers. Obviously, the search API is a good place to start, but just searching for keywords that match your engagement interests is not the best approach. For example, if I wanted to find […]
Part of the sales process for Twitter consulting is convincing a new client that Twitter is more than just another way to broadcast their message. You have to show them that what appears to be a random stream of tweets is really a collection of highly qualified sales prospects. By aggregating Twitter users as well […]
I went to the OpenCoffee meetup in Cambridge the other day. They all recognized the importance of Twitter, but don’t understand how to make money from it. We are exactly where we were in 1996 with the World Wide Web when I helped start Great point in the cycle. So here is my quick […]